Advanced Options
You may not have all the advanced options available to you.
Mailbox Settings
Use the 'Settings', 'Archive and 'Import' buttons to navigate between the screens below.
SMS Settings
Have important email sent to your cell phone as a text message.
You can have as many rules as you like. If the email header (e.g. "From", "Subject", etc) you've selected in any email you receive matches the "text" for that rule, the email will be sent to your cell phone as an SMS message (or "Text Message"). Any email sent to you as an SMS message will still be available in your Inbox.
Trusted Sites
When an email is received that includes offsite images, if you check the 'Enable Offsite Images' checkbox, all images in that message, and all future messages from this site will be enabled. Here you can remove a site that has been previously enabled, or add a site manually.
Check Other EMail Accounts
You can use this section to check other email accounts that you might have. The email in the listed accounts will be displayed in your Inbox folder.
  • Host - Enter the address of the POP3 or IMAP mail server for the account here. If checking an IMAP account, you will need to add ':143' to the end of the host, e.g. ''.
  • Username - Enter the username for the account here.
  • Password - Enter the password for the account here.
  • Account ID - The selected account ID will be displayed beside messages that are from this account.
  • Save account detail - Use this once you've filled in all of the fields above, to save the information.
Friends Settings
'Friends' automatically stores email from unknown senders in your 'pending' folder awaiting a reply to a confirmation message. This helps check they are a real person and not just a spam program.
Status reports are emailed to the user on a regular basis to provide information on the Friends system and any pending mail.

  • Disable Friends - Allows all mail through.
  • Kid safe - Highest level of safety. Mail is only allowed through if the inbound email address is in your list of known friends. If this is not the case, the inbound message is bounced with a notification that you are not accepting mail from unknown senders.
  • Keep Track - The same as 'Disable Friends' (see above), except that automatic additions to your friends list can be enabled.
  • Request confirmation from unknown senders - If a message is received from an unknown sender, an email (composed by you in the 'Message' section at the top), is sent to the sender, requesting them to respond which confirms they not just a spam program. When they respond, the original message will be delivered.
    On a regular basis a status report message is sent to you, providing information of the friends system and any pending mail.
  • Request confirmation if smite score is exceeded. - In this mode, if a message is received from an unknown sender and it gets a smite score (rating of how likely it is to be spam) of more than that selected number, then a request confirmation message is sent.
Server Spam Settings
'Spam Filtering' automatically stores email that is suspected to be spam in your 'held' folder for 2 weeks. You can go to your 'held' folder to release messages wrongly identified as spam.
  • Held Messages - This list shows messages which received sufficient rating to be held. See 'Hold'.
  • Hold - If a message is rated equal to or above the Hold message level, then it will be held (not admitted to your Inbox). Any messages held will be held for two weeks in the "Messages" section before being automatically deleted from the Server.
  • Bounce - If a message is rated equal to or above the Bounce level, then the message will be bounced back to the sender to let them know you haven't received it.
  • Vanish - If a message is rated equal to or above the Vanish message level, then the message will be thrown away.
Webmail Spam Settings
This screen allows you to setup the spam filtering that occurs when you press the 'Inbox' button or login to WebMail.
  • Apply Spam Filter - Check the checkbox, select the level and then "save" to turn this option on. If a message is rated equal to or above this setting then it will be moved into your Spam folder when you check mail.
  • Reject List - When you check mail, if a message is from an email address in your reject list, it will be automatically destroyed, unless you have selected to keep these messages in your Trash folder (using the checkbox).
  • Accept - If you've used the reject list to reject a group of email addresses (e.g., "*"), then you can use the accept list to allow individual email addresses through that would otherwise be rejected, (e.g. "").
You can use this feature to charge a small fee to anyone sending you an Email. To find out more about Centipaid please visit
PGP Profile
You can use these settings to encrypt your email and receive encrypted email from others.