Reading Email
To read a message, click on either the 'subject' or 'from' link.

  • Reply - Reply to the message currently selected or being viewed.
  • Forward - This will send the message on to a new address, using your address as the from and reply-to address. Either type in the email address of the person or people you would like to forward to, or choose from the 'Address Book' and/or 'Recent Addresses'.
  • Delete - Delete the message(s) currently selected or being viewed.
  • Redirect - Send the message on to a new address. The original from and reply-to address will be used.
  • Move to folder... - Select the destination you wish to move the selected or viewed message(s) to.
  • Prev - Next - Display the previous or next message.
  • Add to address book - Add the 'From' address to your address book.
  • Add to recent addresses - Add the 'From' address to your recent address list.
  • Add to blacklist - This will delete this message and automatically delete all messages you receive from this person in the future.

  • change view - If you would like to change your message viewing options, check one or more of the following, then click, 'change view'.
  • Headers - Display the complete headers of the email.
  • Inline images - Display common types of image file attachments in the body of the message.
  • Enable Scripts - When viewing HTML inline, for security reasons WebMail automatically removes scripts, forms and applets. Checking this box will stop these from being removed. This setting, unlike the others, will not be saved and you need to check this each time you want to see the script, forms and applets.
  • Open in a New Window - Open this message in a new window.
  • Enable Offsite Images - If there are offsite images in an email you will be able to enable them here.
To search for messages, click Search, set the search criteria and then choose the folder(s). To select multiple folders, press and hold Ctrl and then select your folders using the left mouse button.

  • From - You can search by the sender's full email address, part of their email address, the nickname or full name of those in your address book.
  • Subject - You can search based on any text in the subject of the message.
  • Message Body - You can search based on any text in the message.
  • To - You can search by the recipient's full email address, part of their email address, the nickname or full name of those in your address book.
If you have filled in more than one field, then WebMail will search using the AND rule, e.g. if you fill in '' in the 'From' field and the word 'jelly' in the Subject field, then the search function will search and display messages received from that have the word 'jelly' in the Subject.
* represents more than one character, e.g. if you would like to search for all messages that have originated from, just type in * in the From field. This will return all of the messages that have been received from
? represents a single character, e.g. if you would like to search for a message with the Subject jelly but was not sure if jelly ended with a 'y' or an 'i', just type jell?.in the 'Subject' field and it will return the message or messages that have jelly as the Subject. However this will also include messages that have jello as the Subject. Please note that the search function is not case sensitive, e.g. searching for jelly will also find JELLY or Jelly and cannot search through attachments.